How to Engage Patients with Email Marketing
Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to communicate with patients. However, health care providers have long avoided it because of HIPAA concerns. In this article, we will provide a few examples of how to use email marketing to engage patients and increase ROI. Don’t Forget About HIPAA! A quick reminder- the following […]
HIPAA-Compliant Email Hosting or Outbound Email Encryption?
There are many ways to protect ePHI in email. HIPAA is technology-neutral and doesn’t make specific recommendations for how to protect email communications. This article explains the difference between a HIPAA-compliant email host and an email encryption gateway. These are just two of the options for securing email accounts.
What is Managed Web Hosting?
When setting up a new website, users must decide how it will be hosted. In this article, we discuss some of the options with a special focus on HIPAA compliance.
HIPAA Compliance Checklist
This HIPAA compliance checklist was designed to help organizations understand their obligations under the law. The checklist items are not a complete list, just a starting point for your compliance program. HIPAA requires a yearly risk analysis to identify new vulnerabilities. Any business process change or new technology usage introduces new risk into an organization’s […]
5 New Year’s Resolutions to Improve Your Cybersecurity
Happy New Year! Start the year off by making a New Year’s resolution to improve your cybersecurity. Here is LuxSci’s list of what your organization needs to do to prepare for the new year.