HIPAA-compliance at LuxSci

Relative to HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, email compliance implies "securing patient records containing individually identifiable health information so that they are not readily available to those who do not need them". It does not specify what technologies must be used to achieve this, leaving that decision up to the individual health care organizations.

LuxSci enables healthcare and other organizations to meet and exceed these goals by providing:

  • HITRUST CSF certification
  • Signed Business Associate Agreement
  • Enforced security settings
  • Encrypted communications ensuring that no one can eavesdrop on your WebMail or email sessions.
  • Login auditing so that you can track who accessed what services when and from where.
  • Strict privacy policies ensuring that no one will access your data without your explicit consent.
  • Secured servers ensuring that no one except you has access to your email data.
  • Easy integration: LuxSci's security services work with any modern web browser or email client and are simple to configure.
  • Data backup and archival options
  • Transport and at-rest data encryption options
  • Email phishing, malware, and virus protection options
  • Yearly external HIPAA reviews and penetration tests

All of LuxSci's services can be HIPAA compliant.

Read some of what LuxSci has to say about HIPAA compliance.