
Schedule Your Email Filters to Work Best for You

Email FilterWould you like to be able to schedule an auto-response to be sent out not only based on criteria such as recipient email address, but also based on what day of the week and the time?  Perhaps you would like a message to fire off only when you are “off shift”. Or, perhaps certain types of messages should be forwarded to a colleague when you are “off shift”.

LuxSci has introduced day of the week and time scheduling into its powerful custom email filtering system.

Custom email filters enable you to match messages with razor precision to perform a wide range of actions on matching messages — e.g. forwarding, deleting, tagging, auto-responding, and much more.

The new scheduling option allows you to configure each filter to be used

  1. Only during a specified time range on selected days of the week.  E.g. 9am – 5pm Eastern time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
  2. Anytime except  during a specified time range on selected days of the week.  E.g. I work am – 5pm Eastern time on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so have the filter be used on all other days and times.

The Filter Scheduling option can be configured in the “Additional Settings” area when you are creating or editing a custom filter in the LuxSci interface.

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