


Report Response Data

All API "Reports" return a JSON response body that contains a "header" which describes all of the columns of data returned. See Reporting Basics for an overview of API Reporting.

The sections, below, provide definitions for the column headings that may appear in most types of API reports (and also in Automated Reports, which push API-generated reporting data directly to customers via WebHooks, email, and other means).

General Report Types

Report Response Data Definitions

Asynchronous Job

Asynchronous Job Status

Responses for endpoints: getAccountJobs & getUserJobs

KeywordDate TypeDescription
job_id Integer Unique numerical ID number for the background job.
filename String The name of the file that will be uploaded to your destination when the job successfully completes.
created DATETIME When the report request was submitted.
updated DATETIME When the job status was last updated.
completed DATETIME When the job successfully completed (i.e., when the status changed to complete).
status String The overall status of the job. The possible values are:
  • submitted - Request just made
  • preparing - Determining the number of rows that will be produced
  • running - Querying and exporting rows
  • uploading - Uploading the results file to destination_hostname
  • complete - Successfully done
  • failed - Apparently failed
status_detail String For status of failed, this is a textual description of the reason for failure.
expected_rows Integer Once the status is running, this contains the number of rows that are expected to be generated by the report. This is controlled by the number of items matching the query parameters, the start_row, and the value of matches.
completed_rows Integer Once the status is running, this contains the number of rows that have been exported to the CSV results file. For large result sets, this, combined with expected_rows, can be used to understand the percentage completion of the request.
uid Integer Numerical user ID of the user who submitted this request. If this request was submitted at the API account level, this value will be zero.
current_jobs Integer The number of currently running asynchronous report requests for your account as a whole, including this one which you just submitted. In combination with max_jobs, this tells you how many more jobs you can submit before being required to wait for already-submitted jobs to first complete.
max_jobs Integer The maximum number of concurrently running asynchronous report requests permitted for your account as a whole. An asynchronous report request that would create more than this number of concurrent processes will be rejected.

User Creation Detail Reports

User Creation Detail

Responses for endpoint: getUserReport2

KeywordDate TypeDescription
user_id Integer Unique ID for this user.
domain_id Integer Unique ID for the domain the user is in (based on the user's login).
login String The user's login email address.
created DATETIME When the user was created
modified DATETIME When the user was last modified
name String Name of the user, e.g. "John Sample".

User Creation Summary Reports

User Creation Summary

Responses for endpoint: getUserSummaryReport

KeywordDate TypeDescription
delta_users Integer Number of new users created in the specified date interval.
total_users Integer Total number of active and disabled users in the account. This is independent of any specified time interval.
user_limit Integer Total number of allowed users permitted in this account before an account upgrade is needed.
pct_users Float Percentage of the allowed users now in use. This is total_users / user_limit and is a value between 0 and 1.
report_date DATETIME When this summary report was generated (in GMT).

Secure Marketing v3

Lists Report

Responses for endpoint: getLists

KeywordDate TypeDescription
list_id Integer Unique ID for this List
owner_id Integer Unique ID for user that owns this List
created DATETIME When the List was created.
modified DATETIME When the List was modified.
name String Name of the List
from_email String From email address for email messages sent to this List.
from_name String From name for email messages sent to this List.
reply_email String Reply-To email address for email messages sent to this List.
n_subscribers Integer Number of Contacts in this list
list_group_id Integer Unique ID of the List Group to which this List belongs. The value is "0" if it does not belong to a List Group.

Contacts Report

Responses for endpoint: getContacts

KeywordDate TypeDescription
contact_id Integer Unique ID for the Contact
list_id Integer Unique ID for the List to which the Contact belongs
owner_id Integer Unique ID for user that owns this Contact
created DATETIME When the Contact was created.
modified DATETIME When the Contact was modified.
email String Email address of this Contact
domain String Domain name part of the email address of this Contact
is_active Integer 1 if the Contact is active; 0 otherwise.
additional fields String If a "detail" report is requested, then there will be additional columns for each of the relevant custom fields. The column name will be the "code word" for the custom field.

Campaigns Report

Responses for endpoint: getCampaigns

KeywordDate TypeDescription
campaign_id Integer Unique ID for the Campaign.
title String Human readable title of the campaign.
template_id Integer Unique ID for template assigned to this campaign.
send_at DATETIME Datetime when campaign starts.
send_started_at DATETIME Datetime when campaign actually started.
hourly_rate_limit Integer Maximum number of emails to send per hour.
queue_priority Integer Priority relative to other concurrent campaigns.
n_staged Integer Number of messages that have been staged for delivery.
n_sent Integer Number of messages that have been sent.
n_queued Integer Number of messages that have been queued for delivery.
n_delivered Integer Number of messages that have been successfully delivered.
n_soft_bounce Integer Number of messages that experienced a soft bounce.
n_hard_bounce Integer Number of messages that experienced a hard bounce.
n_lost Integer Number of messages that have been lost.
n_opened_unique Integer Number of unique messages that have been opened.
n_opened_total Integer Total Number of times that messages have been opened.
n_clicked_unique Integer Number of messages that have received 1+ clicks.
n_clicked_total Integer Total Number of times that links have been clicked followed.
n_opened_clicked_unique Integer Total Number of opened messages recieving a click. Note that this ignores messages that received a click but which were not registered as "opened".
n_suppressed Integer Number of email addresses that have been suppressed.
n_spam Integer Number of messages marked as spam.
status String Current campaign status. ['scheduled','paused','staging','sending','queued','complete','running','failed']
status_detail String Current campaign status detail.
created DATETIME When the campaign was created.
modified DATETIME When the campaign was last modified.

Campaign Report Logs

Responses for endpoint: getReportLogs

KeywordDate TypeDescription
log_id Integer Unique Log ID
tracking_code String Unique Tracking Code
sendmail_id String Sendmail ID
campaign_id Integer Unique ID for the Campaign
campaign_title String Human readable title of the campaign
sent DATETIME Datetime when the message was sent to queue for delivery processing.
delivery_status_updated DATETIME Datetime when delivery status was last updated
contact_id Integer Unique ID for the Contact
list_id Integer Unique ID for the List to which Contact belongs
email String Email address of this Contact
disposition String Message disposition. ['queued','delivered','soft_bounce','hard_bounce','lost']
smtp_code Integer Three-digit Enhanced SMTP Delivery Status Code for this message
state_detail String Human readable state detail
opens Integer Number of times message was opened
clicks Integer Number of times URLs have been clicked
unsubscribed Integer Number of times recipient has unsubscribed based on this message
complained Integer Number of complaints about this message
tls_used Integer 1 if TLS was used. 0 if it was not used
sl_type Integer SecureLine type
additional fields String If a "detail" report is requested, then there will be additional columns for each of the relevant custom fields. The column name will be the "code word" for the custom field.

Campaign Report Opened

Responses for endpoint: getReportOpened

KeywordDate TypeDescription
log_id Integer Unique Log ID
tracking_code String Unique Tracking Code
campaign_id Integer Unique ID for the Campaign
campaign_title String Human readable title of the campaign
open_date DATETIME The date and time the message was opened.
contact_id Integer Unique ID for the Contact
list_id Integer Unique ID for the List to which Contact belongs
email String Email address of this Contact
ip_address String IP Address of the opening person/entity at the time of opening
user_agent String User Agent string from the program used by the opener to open the message
additional fields String If a "detail" report is requested, then there will be additional columns for each of the relevant custom fields. The column name will be the "code word" for the custom field.

Campaign Report Clicked

Responses for endpoint: getReportClicked

KeywordDate TypeDescription
log_id Integer Unique Log ID
tracking_code String Unique Tracking Code
campaign_id Integer Unique ID for the Campaign
campaign_title String Human readable title of the campaign
click_date DATETIME The date and time the URL was clicked
contact_id Integer Unique ID for the Contact
list_id Integer Unique ID for the List to which Contact belongs
email String Email address of this Contact
ip_address String IP Address of the opening person/entity at the time of opening
url String URL that was clicked on
user_agent String User Agent string from the program used by the opener to open the message
additional fields String If a "detail" report is requested, then there will be additional columns for each of the relevant custom fields. The column name will be the "code word" for the custom field.

Campaign Report Urls

Responses for endpoint: getReportUrls

KeywordDate TypeDescription
campaign_id Integer Unique ID for the Campaign
campaign_title String Human readable title of the campaign
url String The web site address (URL) that was clicked on
clicks Integer Number of time the URL was been clicked across all matching messages/recipients.

Campaign Report Bounces

Responses for endpoint: getReportBounces

KeywordDate TypeDescription
log_id Integer Unique Log ID
tracking_code String Unique Tracking Code
sendmail_id String Unique sendmail_id of this message; useful for tracking purposes
campaign_id Integer Unique ID for the Campaign
campaign_title String Human readable title of the campaign
delivery_status_updated DATETIME Datetime when delivery status was last updated
contact_id Integer Unique ID for the Contact
list_id Integer Unique ID for the List to which Contact belongs
email String Email address of this Contact
disposition String Message disposition. ['queued','delivered','soft_bounce','hard_bounce','lost']
smtp_code Integer Three-digit Enhanced SMTP Delivery Status Code for this message
state_detail String Human readable state detail
additional fields String If a "detail" report is requested, then there will be additional columns for each of the relevant custom fields. The column name will be the "code word" for the custom field.

Campaign Report Complaints

Responses for endpoint: getReportComplaints

KeywordDate TypeDescription
log_id Integer Unique Log ID
tracking_code String Unique Tracking Code
campaign_id Integer Unique ID for the Campaign
campaign_title String Human readable title of the campaign
contact_id Integer Unique ID for the Contact
list_id Integer Unique ID for the List to which Contact belongs
email String Email address of this Contact
additional fields String If a "detail" report is requested, then there will be additional columns for each of the relevant custom fields. The column name will be the "code word" for the custom field.

Campaign Report Unsubscribed

Responses for endpoint: getReportUnsubscribed

KeywordDate TypeDescription
log_id Integer Unique Log ID
tracking_code String Unique Tracking Code
campaign_id Integer Unique ID for the Campaign
campaign_title String Human readable title of the campaign
unsubscribed_date DATETIME The date and time this email address was unsubscribed
contact_id Integer Unique ID for the Contact
list_id Integer Unique ID for the List to which Contact belongs
email String Email address of this Contact
note String A description of how this unsubscribe originated
additional fields String If a "detail" report is requested, then there will be additional columns for each of the relevant custom fields. The column name will be the "code word" for the custom field.

Email Sending Detail Reports

Email Delivery Status

Responses for endpoints: getEmailSMTPDeliveryStatusReportUser, getEmailSMTPDeliveryStatusReportAccount, getEmailWebMailDeliveryStatusReportUser & getEmailWebMailDeliveryStatusReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
date_sent DATETIME When the message was sent.
from String The From email address
from_ip String IP Address of the sending program (SMTP reports only). This can be just MobileSync if this email was sent via MobileSync / Exchange ActiveSync.
header1 String Present only if tracked_headers was passed as a parameter. This is the name of the email header captured in header column 1 for this message (all lower case). As your capturing settings can be changed and different messages may have differing headers, different messages could have captured different headers (or none at all) in "column 1".
header1_value String Present only if tracked_headers was passed as a parameter. If a custom header was captured in "column 1" (as indicated by the header1 field), this is the value of that email header.

E.g., if you configured your account to capture the value of the header X-My-Header and are saving this in header column 1 and an email was sent with the header "X-My-Header: Gh6577hh-abc", then the value of header1 would be x-myheader and the value of header1_value would be Gh6577hh-abc.

header2 String Same as header1 but for header column 2.
header2_value String Same as header1_value but for header column 2.
header3 String Same as header1 but for header column 3.
header3_value String Same as header1_value but for header column 3
last_updated DATETIME When this row of information was last updated. The data in the row can be updated when the delivery status is updated and at other times such as when an open or click or unsubscribe event happens.
delivery_status_updated DATETIME When this delivery status information was last updated.
delivery_seconds Integer Number of seconds from when the message was sent to the delivery_status_updated date. For messages that were successfully delivered, this is the "Time to Delivery." For other messages, this is merely the time until we recorded the last bit of delivery failure information.
n_recipients Integer Number of recipients to the message
secureline Enum Values:
  • 0: Message to this recipient did not use SecureLine
  • -2: SecureLine was not used due to Opt Out being selected
  • -1: SecureLine usage not recorded for some reason
  • 1: SecureLine:PGP was used
  • 2: SecureLine:S/MIME was used
  • 3: SecureLine:Escrow was used
  • 4: SecureLine:TLS was used
sendmail_id String Unique sendmail_id of this message; useful for tracking purposes.
size_bytes Integer Size of the message in bytes.
smtp_code Integer Three-digit Enhanced SMTP Delivery Status Code for this message. See: 3-Digit Codes.
spam Enum Values:
  • 0: Message was not marked as spam by a recipient and returned in a Feed Back Loop
  • 1: Message was marked as spam by a recipient and that was returned in a Feed Back Loop
Opens Integer Values:
  • -1: Open tracking is not enabled for this message.
  • 0: Open tracking enabled and message not opened.
  • Greater than 0: Open tracking enabled and message opened this many times.
Clicks Integer Values:
  • -1: URL Click tracking not enabled for this message.
  • 0: Click tracking enabled but no URLs in the message have yet been clicked on.
  • Greater than 0: Click tracking enabled and this many times URLs have been clicked on.
Unsubscribed Enum Values:
  • 0: Recipient did not unsubscribe based on this email message.
  • 1: The recipient did unsubscribe based on this email message.
status Enum Delivery status of the message to this recipient. Values:
  • Delivered: Successfully delivered
  • Failed: Permanently failed to be delivered
  • In Queue: Currently in queue trying to be or waiting to be delivered
  • No Data Available: The tracking database does not know what happened to this message. Support can check the raw logs if needed
  • Post-Delivery Hard Fail: The message was successfully accepted by the recipient's server, but we later received a bounce back email containing a hard failure delivery status (e.g., "user does not exist")
  • Soft Bounce: The message was accepted by the recipient servers successfully, but we later received a bounce back email containing a soft/temporary failure delivery status (e.g., "user's disk space is full")
details String Information about the status. E.g. "Why is the message queued" or "What message was returned by the recipient's server on successful delivery?"
tls_delivery Enum Values:
  • 1: TLS was used in the successful delivery to the recipient's email server
  • 0: TLS was not used in the successful delivery
  • -1: Unknown or the message was not successfully delivered
tls_info String For successful deliveries over TLS, this string contains details about the TLS connection. I.e., ciphers, etc.
to String Single recipient email address for this delivery.
user String Login email address of the user who sent the message
user_id Integer User ID of the user who sent the message
template_id Integer The ID number of the template used in the sending of this email message. The value is 0 if no template was used.

Sent Email

Responses for endpoints: getEmailSMTPSentReportUser, getEmailSMTPSentReportAccount, getEmailWebMailSentReportUser & getEmailWebMailSentReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
date_sent DATETIME When the message was sent.
from String The From email address
from_ip String IP Address of the sending program (SMTP reports only). This can have the value MobileSync, if this was sent via MobileSync / Exchange ActiveSync.
header1 String Present only if tracked_headers was passed as a parameter. This is the name of the email header captured in header column 1 for this message (all lower case). As your capturing settings can be changed and different messages may have differing headers, different messages could have captured different headers (or none at all) in "column 1".
header1_value String Present only if tracked_headers was passed as a parameter. If a custom header was captured in "column 1" (as indicated by the header1 field), this is the value of that email header.

E.g., if you configured your account to capture the value of the header X-My-Header and are saving this in header column 1 and an email was sent with the header "X-My-Header: Gh6577hh-abc", then the value of header1 would be x-myheader and the value of header1_value would be Gh6577hh-abc.

header2 String Same as header1 but for header column 2.
header2_value String Same as header1_value but for header column 2.
header3 String Same as header1 but for header column 3.
header3_value String Same as header1_value but for header column 3
high_volume Integer Values:
  • 0: Message sent does not count as a High Volume or Secure High Volume message.
  • 1: It does.
n_recipients Integer Number of recipients to the message
notes String Internal notes
opt_out Enum Values:
  • 0: SecureLine Opt Out not used
  • -1: SecureLine Opt Out use not recorded for some reason
  • 1: SecureLine Opt Out
secureline Integer Number of recipients to the message
sendmail_id String Unique sendmail_id of this message; useful for tracking purposes.
size_bytes Integer Size of the message in bytes.
spam Enum Values:
  • 0: Message was not marked as spam by a recipient and returned in a Feed Back Loop
  • 1: Message was marked as spam by a recipient and that action was returned in a Feed Back Loop
template_id Integer The ID number of the template used in the sending of this email message. The value is 0 if no template was used.
to String Comma-delimited list of recipient email address(es).
used_tls Enum Values: (SMTP Only)
  • 1: TLS was used in the connection from the sending program to the server.
  • 0: TLS was not used in this connection.
user String Login email address of the user who sent this message
user_id Integer User ID of the user who sent the message

Email URL Clicks

Responses for endpoints: getEmailSMTPClickReportUser, getEmailSMTPClickReportAccount, & getEmailWebMailClickReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
date_sent DATETIME When the message was sent.
from String From email address
header1 String Present only if tracked_headers was passed as a parameter. This is the name of the email header captured in header column 1 for this message (all lower case). As your capturing settings can be changed and different messages may have differing headers, different messages could have captured different headers (or none at all) in "column 1".
header1_value String Present only if tracked_headers was passed as a parameter. If a custom header was captured in "column 1" (as indicated by the header1 field), this is the value of that email header.

E.g., if you configured your account to capture the value of the header X-My-Header and are saving this in header column 1 and an email was sent with the header "X-My-Header: Gh6577hh-abc", then the value of header1 would be x-myheader and the value of header1_value would be Gh6577hh-abc.

header2 String Same as header1 but for header column 2.
header2_value String Same as header1_value but for header column 2.
header3 String Same as header1 but for header column 3.
header3_value String Same as header1_value but for header column 3
clicker_ip String IP Address of the person/entity who clicked on the URL at the time of clicking.
click_date DATETIME The date and time the URL was clicked.
user_agent String User Agent string from the program used by the clicker to open the URL from the message.
sendmail_id String Unique sendmail_id of this message; useful for tracking purposes.
status Enum Delivery status of the message to this recipient. Values:
  • Delivered: Successfully delivered
  • Failed: Permanently failed to be delivered
  • In Queue: Currently in queue trying to be or waiting to be delivered
  • No Data Available: The tracking database does not know what happened to this message. Support can check the raw logs if needed
  • Post-Delivery Hard Fail: The message was successfully accepted by the recipient's server, but we later received a bounce back email containing a hard failure delivery status (e.g., "user does not exist")
  • Soft Bounce: The message was accepted by the recipient servers successfully, but we later received a bounce back email containing a soft/temporary failure delivery status (e.g., "user's disk space is full")
template_id Integer The ID number of the template used in the sending of this email message. The value is 0 if no template was used.
to String Single recipient email address for this message.
url String The web site address (URL) that was opened.
user String Login email address of the user who sent the message
user_id Integer User ID of the user who sent the message

Email Opens

Responses for endpoints: getEmailSMTPOpenReportUser, getEmailSMTPOpenReportAccount, getEmailWebMailOpenReportUser & getEmailWebMailOpenReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
date_sent DATETIME When the message was sent.
from String From email address
header1 String Present only if tracked_headers was passed as a parameter. This is the name of the email header captured in header column 1 for this message (all lower case). As your capturing settings can be changed and different messages may have differing headers, different messages could have captured different headers (or none at all) in "column 1".
header1_value String Present only if tracked_headers was passed as a parameter. If a custom header was captured in "column 1" (as indicated by the header1 field), this is the value of that email header.

E.g., if you configured your account to capture the value of the header X-My-Header and are saving this in header column 1 and an email was sent with the header "X-My-Header: Gh6577hh-abc", then the value of header1 would be x-myheader and the value of header1_value would be Gh6577hh-abc.

header2 String Same as header1 but for header column 2.
header2_value String Same as header1_value but for header column 2.
header3 String Same as header1 but for header column 3.
header3_value String Same as header1_value but for header column 3
opener_ip String IP Address of the opening person/entity at the time of opening.
open_date DATETIME The date and time the message was opened.
user_agent String User Agent string from the program used by the opener to open the message.
sendmail_id String Unique sendmail_id of this message; useful for tracking purposes.
status Enum Delivery status of the message to this recipient. Values:
  • Delivered: Successfully delivered
  • Failed: Permanently failed to be delivered
  • In Queue: Currently in queue trying to be or waiting to be delivered
  • No Data Available: The tracking database does not know what happened to this message. Support can check the raw logs if needed
  • Post-Delivery Hard Fail: The message was successfully accepted by the recipient's server, but we later received a bounce back email containing a hard failure delivery status (e.g., "user does not exist")
  • Soft Bounce: The message was accepted by the recipient servers successfully, but we later received a bounce back email containing a soft/temporary failure delivery status (e.g., "user's disk space is full")
template_id Integer The ID number of the template used in the sending of this email message. The value is 0 if no template was used.
to String Single recipient email address for this message.
user String Login email address of the user who sent the message
user_id Integer User ID of the user who sent the message

Email SMTP Complaint Feedback Loop

Responses for endpoints: getEmailFeedBackLoopsReportUser & getEmailFeedBackLoopsReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
complaint_date DATETIME When the feedback loop complaint was received.
complaint_source String Name of the ISP where the complaint originated. E.g., "AOL".
date_sent DATETIME When the message was sent.
message_type String Description of how the message was sent. I.e., what sending method.
sendmail_id String Unique sendmail_id of this message; useful for tracking purposes.
server_ip String IP Address of the sending server.
subject String Subject of the message that was sent.
to String Single recipient email address for this delivery. This is the recipient who complained. This could be the word redacted, if the ISP of the recipient does not publish who is complaining. E.g., all complaints from AOL have the email address of the complainer redacted.
user String Login email address of the user who sent the message
user_id Integer User ID of the user who sent the message

Email Suppressions

Responses for endpoints: getUserSuppressionReport & getAccountSuppressionReport

KeywordDate TypeDescription
account_id Integer Account ID of this customer's account.
added DATETIME When this suppression was added.
domain_id Integer Domain ID of the domain that owns this suppression if it is a domain-level or user-level suppression. 0 for account-level suppressions.
email String The email address suppressed or unsubscribed.
expires Integer The number of days until this suppression expires. 0 if it does not expire.
note String A description of how this suppression originated.
sendmail_id String For suppressions that originated from unsubscriptions from a specific sent email message, this is the sendmail_id of that message. This code can be used for cross-referencing and tracking.
user_id Integer User ID of the user who owns this suppression if it is a user-level suppression. 0 otherwise.

Email Temporary Failures

Responses for endpoints: getEmailSMTPTempFailReportUser & getEmailSMTPTempFailReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
date_sent DATETIME When the message was sent.
date_temp_failure DATETIME When the temporary failure happened.
temp_fail_message String Plain text description of the temporary feature reason
sendmail_id String Unique sendmail_id of this message; useful for tracking purposes.
msg_to String Recipient email address for this message.
user_id Integer User ID of the user who sent the message.

Email Sending Summary Reports

Email Delivery Status Summary

Responses for endpoints: getEmailSMTPDeliveryStatusSummaryReportUser & getEmailSMTPDeliveryStatusSummaryReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
recipients Integer Total number of messages (recipients) in the report's time frame.
queued Integer Total number of messages currently in queue
delivered Integer Total number of messages successfully delivered
hard_failed Integer Total number of messages that failed to be delivered with a "hard failure" status.
soft_failed Integer Total number of messages that failed to be delivered with a "soft failure" status.
failed Integer hard_failed + soft_failed
opened Integer Number of messages that were opened at least 1 time.
clicked Integer Number of messages that were at least one URL was clicked on.
unsubscribed Integer Number of messages that were the unsubscribe link was used.
secureline Integer Number of messages that were encrypted using SecureLine (using any form of email encryption).
secureline_escrow Integer Number of messages that were encrypted using SecureLine Escrow.
secureline_tls Integer Number of messages that were encrypted using SecureLine TLS.
pct_queued Float queued / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_delivered Float delivered / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_hard_failed Float hard_failed / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_soft_failed Float soft_failed / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_failed Float failed / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_opened Float opened / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_clicked Float clicked / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_unsubscribed Float unsubscribed / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_secureline Float secureline / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_secureline_escrow Float secureline_escrow / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
pct_secureline_tls Float secureline_tls / recipients — (value between 0 and 1).
report_date Datetime When this summary report was generated.

Email Opens Summary

Responses for endpoints: getEmailSMTPOpenSummaryReportUser & getEmailSMTPOpenSummaryReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
all_opens Integer Total number of times that messages were opened during the specified time interval.
msg_opens Integer Total number of distinct messages that were opened during the specified time interval. If the same message was opened multiple times, that is only counted once.
report_date Datetime When this summary report was generated.

Email Clicks Summary

Responses for endpoints: getEmailSMTPClickSummaryReportUser & getEmailSMTPClickSummaryReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
all_clicks Integer Total number of times that links in messages messages were clicked on during the specified time interval.
msg_clicks Integer Total number of distinct messages had links that were clicked on during the specified time interval. If the same message had links clicked on multiple times or had multiple links cicked on, that is only counted once.
report_date Datetime When this summary report was generated.

Email SMTP Complaint Feedback Loop

Responses for endpoints: getEmailFeedBackLoopsSummaryReportUser & getEmailFeedBackLoopsSummaryReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
complaints Integer Total number of complaints coming through feedback loops during the specified time interval.
report_date Datetime When this summary report was generated.

Email Suppressions

Responses for endpoints: getUserSuppressionSummaryReport & getAccountSuppressionSummaryReport

KeywordDate TypeDescription
count Integer Total number of suppressions (or unsubscriptions) added during the specified time interval.
report_date Datetime When this summary report was generated.

User SMTP Login Failure Details

SMTP Login Failures

Responses for endpoint: getSMTPLoginFailureReportAccount

KeywordDate TypeDescription
date DATETIME When the failure or rejection happened.
ip String IP Address of the device or program that tried to login.
reason String Description of why the login failed or the message send was rejected.
user_id Integer User ID of the user who sent the message

Data Type Definitions

DATE A specific date in the format: "YYYY-MM-DD". Date times are in the timezone GMT when used with time fields. For example the DATE of "YYYY-MM-DD" is logically equivalent to the DATETIME of "YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00". April 1st, 2023 would be represented as "2023-04-01".
DATETIME A specific date and time in the format: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". Date times are in the timezone GMT. For example, 5:13pm GMT on April 1st, 2023 would be represented as "2023-04-01 17:13:00".
Enum Only a specific, enumerated set of values are possible.
Integer Positive or negative whole number or zero.
Float Floating point number.
String Arbitrary text containing zero or more characters. Strings are encoded in UTF-8.