August 12th, 2021

New Feature Announcement: Customize WebMail Font Sizes

LuxSci WebMail users can now customize their standard webmail font sizes in the WebMail interface. This new update allows users to increase or decrease the interface font sizes to suit their readability preferences. To update the font sizes in the WebMail interface, start by logging in to your account. Head to the “Account” tab in […]

August 10th, 2021

5 Email Open Rate And Click Tracking Caveats That Every Marketer Should Know

Understanding your email open rates is critical for the long-term success of your marketing strategy. If you aren’t monitoring key metrics, you won’t know if your campaigns are effective. Reviewing KPIs regularly helps you understand how to tweak your strategy to meet your business goals. While you are likely already tracking key metrics, you may […]

August 3rd, 2021

High Volume Bulk Email: Key Ingredients for Good Deliverability

How do you ensure your bulk emails have good deliverability? Deliverability is key to anyone sending bulk emails like newsletters, announcements, or triggered notifications. As a provider of secure bulk email services, we constantly advise customers on how they can avoid having legitimate messages marked as spam and ensure that they are not blacklisted. In […]

July 27th, 2021

Are Cloud Servers Bad for Sending Email?

Public cloud servers are great for many things; however, sending email is not one of them. Why Cloud Servers are Bad for Sending Email? The main issue with public cloud based services is that you are sharing resources with their other customers. This includes IP addresses. Most organizations try to filter out bad IPs, but […]

July 20th, 2021

Zero Trust Email

Our third article on Zero Trust Architecture covers zero trust email and the systems it requires. In May, the Biden Administration announced a new approach to cybersecurity that included a push toward Zero Trust Architecture. We have already covered Zero Trust Architecture as a whole, and also talked about how dedicated servers are important parts […]