November 1st, 2018

What Is Email Archiving and Why Do I Need It?

The digital era has changed many things about the way people communicate. In the case of businesses and organizations, especially in the healthcare sector, the changes have been significant. For instance, the threat of fraud and data theft is forcing businesses to keep track of all the messages shared between employees and stakeholders. Despite the […]

October 11th, 2018

SIM-Swapping: Why SMS Authentication Is a Bad Idea

SMS authentication has been around for a while now. Sure, it’s a bit of a hassle to get those codes sent from your bank or your other accounts–especially if your phone’s in the next room–but at least it makes you feel safe. Unfortunately, it’s nowhere near as safe as you may think. The concept of […]

October 9th, 2018

What to Look for in a HIPAA-Compliant Online Form Builder

As a healthcare provider, or for that matter, any entity that works with healthcare clients, you are probably already aware of the fact that you cannot use traditional web forms to accept PHI (Protected Health Information). That would be a gross violation of the HIPAA regulations and can get you into trouble. For instance, you […]

October 2nd, 2018

Online Form Design Best Practices

Most businesses and organizations today use online forms to collect customer information. The same applies to healthcare companies. But, healthcare companies need to abide by stringent regulations concerning PHI or Protected Health Information under HIPAA. So, it is of the utmost importance for such organizations to follow certain best practices when designing these forms. Let’s […]

August 10th, 2018

A Brief Guide to HIPAA-Compliant SMTP Relaying

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a way in which email travels across the internet. An SMTP relay is a mail server that passes on your email message to another server that can transfer your message to the intended recipient. Email providers like Gmail own and manage SMTP servers; some allow you to connect to […]