June 21st, 2022

Increasing Resiliency with Data Backups

Making backups of collected data is a critically important part of risk management. Backups provide redundancy in case of human errors, hardware failure, cyberattacks, power failure, and natural disasters. Properly implemented backups reduce risk and provide organizations flexibility when systems go down. Server outages, whether accidental or malicious, can be detrimental to business operations, and […]

June 14th, 2022

Infrastructure Requirements for Marketing and Transactional Email

To design an appropriate email infrastructure, organizations must understand the types of emails they plan to send. Outside of regular business communications between colleagues, marketing and transactional emails are used to communicate externally with clients and customers. Although they are often lumped together, transactional and marketing emails serve different purposes and require different hardware configurations […]

June 8th, 2022

Send Fast, Send More – High Volume Bulk Email Server Clusters

June 7th, 2022

What is the Difference Between Asynchronous and Synchronous Communications?

Synchronous and asynchronous are terms used to describe when and how individuals communicate. The critical difference between asynchronous and synchronous communication is that synchronous communications are scheduled, real-time interactions. Asynchronous communications happen independently and don’t need scheduling. This article explores the differences between each and how they can be utilized in a healthcare context. Synchronous […]

May 31st, 2022

Streamline Operations by Transitioning to Digital Forms

Most healthcare organizations are pursuing digital transformation, but many providers are still reliant on paper forms that need to be printed out, scanned, filed, and securely stored. Shifting to a digital system can streamline operational processes and save time, money, and effort. Why Transition to Digital Forms There are several reasons to switch to online […]