May 4th, 2021

Why You Should Separate Your Business and Your Marketing Email Sending

A typical organization sends at least two distinct classes of email messages: business emails and marketing emails. Business email consists of all of the individual, personal messages sent by sales, support, billing and other departments to specific people. These messages are generally more time sensitive and it is very important that the recipients actually receive […]

April 27th, 2021

Can You Send ePHI in Insecure Emails and Texts with Mutual Consent?

Email and text messaging are among the most common forms of business communication. However, if you are sending ePHI, regular texts and emails are off limits! If you are subject to HIPAA regulations, you will need mutual consent from your patients before sending ePHI insecurely via these methods. This may seem frustrating because text and […]

April 6th, 2021

Information Blocking Is Over – How Will It Affect Your Organization?

Starting April 5, 2021, information blocking will no longer be allowed thanks to changes that were kicked off by 2016’s 21st Century Cures Act. In short, information blocking involves interfering with the exchange, access, or use of electronic health information. There are many ways information can be “blocked,” but the term broadly refers to improperly […]

March 30th, 2021

30th National HIPAA Summit Recap

Last week, the LuxSci team attended the Virtual 30th National HIPAA Summit. The conference featured government and industry leaders who led sessions on updates to HIPAA rules, ongoing threats to cybersecurity, the impacts of remote work, and many other topics. We can’t touch on every session that took place over the four days of the […]

March 23rd, 2021

HIPAA-Compliant Web Sites: Requirements and Best Practices

It is not easy to create a HIPAA-compliant web site and webmasters often ask us for clarification on best practices when it comes to HIPAA compliance. We have previously discussed what makes a web page secure and also what makes a web site HIPAA-compliant, but it seems that an explainer on what you should and […]