March 18th, 2020

Email Templates for SMTP and API Secure Email Sending

Server-side email templates that can be utilized when sending email messages through LuxSci’s APIs and LuxSci’s SMTP services are now available.  In particular, users can: Create and manage up to 100 templates per user through LuxSci’s web site or via API commands. Templates can not only define the subject and bodies of the messages that […]

March 2nd, 2020

Did You Know: Spam Filtering & Virus Protection Go Hand-in-Hand

You may already be aware that spam filtering can save you from having to deal with countless emails, but did you know that it can also help you with virus protection? Spam can be far worse than annoying promotional emails you never asked for. It’s also one of the main paths of entry that hackers […]

February 4th, 2020

Enterprise-Grade High Volume Secure Email Sending API

LuxSci has released an enhancement to its REST API targeted at fast, reliable, large-scale email sending. While LuxSci’s API has had features for secure email sending for many years, the new API call is specifically designed with the needs of enterprise email sending in mind. The new “Send Email” High Volume API call enables: Pipelining: […]

January 30th, 2020

LuxSci Pursuing HITRUST Certification

Update: As of June 7th, 2020, LuxSci’s services are HITRUST CSF certified for HIPAA, GDPR, and Massachusetts Privacy Law.  See: Announcement of HITRUST CSF Certification. — LuxSci is working toward its HITRUST certification as part of our constant efforts to meet the highest levels of security and compliance. The threat landscape and regulatory environment are […]

January 17th, 2020

Is Mailchimp HIPAA-Compliant?

“Is Mailchimp HIPAA-compliant?” has echoed through the boardrooms of healthcare organizations countless times. Whenever companies explore their options for email automation and marketing software, the popular provider’s name tends to be one of the first to pop up. Mailchimp has long been the go-to option for designing emails and newsletters, sending them out, sharing to […]