April 23rd, 2020

LuxSci is Offering Free Secure Email During COVID-19 Pandemic

High Volume COVID-19 Test Results Communicated Quickly and Securely The evolving COVID-19 pandemic continues to place extreme strain on healthcare services and diagnostic labs needing to communicate critical information, such as test results, quickly and efficiently.  These organizations are nevertheless still constrained by HIPAA regulations. LuxSci is extending its offer for free HIPAA-compliant emailing services […]

April 16th, 2020

Secure & Compliant Remote Work

As a result of the pandemic, many businesses have closed their offices and have employees working from home, which is an excellent compromise for keeping operations ongoing and while keeping employees safe. However, the shift to working from home is a big jump for many companies and their employees, mainly if an existing remote work […]

March 30th, 2020

Is Zoom HIPAA-Compliant?

Zoom is an extremely popular video-conferencing platform. Many healthcare organizations may be wondering: Is Zoom HIPAA-compliant? While it is true that HIPAA compliance requirements around telehealth were relaxed (which includes video teleconferencing) for the duration of the Covid-19 pandemic, the pandemic will eventually end. Companies that have invested time and money in accelerating their telehealth […]

March 26th, 2020

What We Call “Quasi-HIPAA-Compliance”

Are your organization’s service providers HIPAA-compliant, or are they only quasi-HIPAA compliant? What do we mean?  Okay, we’ll be honest – quasi-HIPAA compliant isn’t an accepted term yet – but it should be. When we talk about quasi-compliance, we’re referring to setups and services that look HIPAA-compliant and share some of the features; however, they […]

March 19th, 2020

Is Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) HIPAA Compliant?

Because Amazon Web Services (AWS) is very inexpensive, very well known, and offers “HIPAA-compliant” solutions to some degree, we are often asked if, and to what degree, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is HIPAA compliant. AWS is a big player offering countless services on which companies can build and/or host applications and infrastructures. One of the […]