September 3rd, 2020

Quasi-HIPAA Compliance Podcast

As a followup to our blog on Quasi-HIPAA Compliance, Erik recently had the chance discuss the topic in a podcast with Jason Karn of Total HIPAA.  They touched on some key topics including: What exactly is “Quasi-HIPAA” compliance? What are some common gaps in Business Associate Agreements (BAA)? What are some best practices when choosing […]

July 20th, 2020

When Should You Send ePHI in Your Marketing Emails?

If you operate in the healthcare sector, you should always be wary of your organization’s electronic protected health information (ePHI). One of the most complicated situations involves email marketing, because carelessly sent messages can easily lead to HIPAA violations and their costly ramifications. Because of this danger, you should only send ePHI in your marketing […]

July 16th, 2020

CEO Erik Kangas Featured on Total HIPAA Podcasts

    Erik recently sat down with our friends at Total HIPAA to discuss a variety of HIPAA topics, including: Security concerns during COVID-19. How you can be more secure while working from home. How LuxSci is helping organizations that need to securely send PHI in their COVID-19-related communications. How to interpret the U.S. Department […]

July 7th, 2020

Protecting Yourself from Email Web Beacons

May 9th, 2020

Is Skype HIPAA Compliant? If not, what is?

In recent times we have seen a huge push toward telehealth, so many are wondering, “Is Skype HIPAA compliant?” While Skype is a practical tool that many people have access to, it’s important to consider any regulatory obligations you need to meet before you use it. If your business collects, stores, transmits or processes electronic […]