The Case For Email Security
We all know that regular email is insecure; however, it may surprise you to learn just how insecure it really is. For example, did you know that messages you deleted years ago may be on servers halfway around the world? Or that your messages can sometimes be read and modified in transit, even before they […]
What Makes A Website HIPAA Secure?
In this article, we review the requirements for what makes a website HIPAA secure and what you need to do to ensure your website is compliant. The recent focus on tracking pixels and analytics codes by enforcement agencies has many healthcare organizations reassessing their website security and compliance. As technology has evolved over the past thirty […]
Why You Should Separate Your Business and Your Marketing Email Sending
A typical organization sends at least two distinct classes of email messages: business emails and marketing emails. Business email consists of all of the individual, personal messages sent by sales, support, billing and other departments to specific people. These messages are generally more time sensitive and it is very important that the recipients actually receive […]
Patient Engagement: Why Email is an Essential Channel
In today’s increasingly digital world, email is often overlooked as a channel for patient engagement. Email may not appear to be as innovative or exciting as texting, video conferencing, or mobile applications. Nevertheless, email is a powerful tool that remains widely popular and accessible to most of the population, making it an essential channel for […]