April 30th, 2019

Telehealth: The Benefits & The Risks

In recent years, telehealth has been touted as a solution to many of our society’s medical problems. It has the potential to make health services more efficient and improve patient access. Despite these benefits, telehealth isn’t without its risks and challenges. What Is Telehealth? Telehealth is the practice of leveraging information technologies to deliver patient […]

April 23rd, 2019

What Does HIPAA Say About Telehealth?

Telehealth is becoming a popular option for providing efficient treatment and other services. Since it’s still an emerging practice, many in the health industry wonder how telehealth fits into the existing HIPAA regulations. You may be surprised that HIPAA doesn’t mention telehealth, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t apply. The reason for the omission is […]

April 17th, 2019

Tax Season May Be Over, But Tax Scams Aren’t

April 15 may have been the last day that people can file their tax returns, but that doesn’t mean that tax scams come to an end. Data from the AllAreaCodes.com analysis of FTC data, Consumer Warning: Tax Season is Also Peak Robocall Season, indicates that there is no dip in robocall-related complaints straight after the […]

April 2nd, 2019

Email Open and Click Tracking for Everyone

Have you ever sent an email message and then wondered: Did they open your email message?   Did they click on any of the links that you included?   Which links?   Was the message forwarded on and opened by other people?   When did they read it? Typical email marketing platforms, like LuxSci’s Spotlight […]

March 26th, 2019

How Secure Is Your Email Provider?