August 10th, 2018

A Brief Guide to HIPAA-Compliant SMTP Relaying

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a way in which email travels across the internet. An SMTP relay is a mail server that passes on your email message to another server that can transfer your message to the intended recipient. Email providers like Gmail own and manage SMTP servers; some allow you to connect to […]

July 31st, 2018

HIPAA Email: Does it Require Encryption?

HIPAA’s encryption requirements fall in a grey area. This is mainly due to two reasons: encryption is required when ‘deemed appropriate’, which means email encryption is not absolutely necessary and ‘mutual consent’ can be used in place of encryption. there are a number of ‘addressable requirements’ pertaining to the technical safeguards as far as ePHI […]

July 25th, 2018

Stronger Email Security with SMTP MTA STS: Strict Transport Security

Email transmission between servers has historically been extremely insecure. A new draft internet standard called “SMTP Strict Transport Security” or “SMTP MTA STS” is aiming to help all email providers upgrade to a much more secure system for server-to-server mail transmission. This article lays out where we are currently in terms of email transmission security […]

July 10th, 2018

Email Delivery Status Tracking …. for successes, failures, and bounces of all kinds

LuxSci automatically tracks the delivery status for all email messages sent via SMTP, WebMail, and the LuxSci API. This report indicates whether or not the messages were successfully delivered to each recipient’s email servers, if they failed to be accepted there for some reason, or they are still queued at LuxSci. For many purposes, this […]

June 28th, 2018

Want to Keep Your Passwords Safe & Your Accounts Protected? Here’s How

Passwords are the bane of modern existence. Most of us have dozens or hundreds of accounts with passwords to keep track of. Many people are probably also using the same easy passwords for each of these accounts. Don’t be ashamed if that’s you because many people do it. Just be prepared to listen. If you […]