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Posts Tagged ‘form’

Embedding Secure Forms into WordPress using an iframe

Monday, March 14th, 2016

WordPress is incredibly popular website management and blogging platform. Customers frequently inquire about the best way to add forms to their WordPress pages and posts. Not just any forms- they want to integrate complex forms that can be HIPAA-compliant and which can submit data securely through Secure Form.

There are numerous options here. The two most popular are GravityForms and embedding forms with an iframe. GravityForms is popular and very cool, but not free. Also, as GravityForms is complex and wants to manage all of your form data itself (insecurely), integration with Secure Form is limited:

  • Multiple forms on the same page can be tricky
  • Ink Signatures can not be captured
  • File uploads can not be captured

Another alternative, which is free as it is included with your Secure Form service, is to:

  1. Build your form with Secure Form Form Builder
  2. Embed this form into your WordPress page or post using an iframe

What is an “iframe?” It is a tool that allows you to embed one web page within another web page. When you build a form with FormBuilder — that form is automatically saved and hosted securely for you, and you are provided with the website address (URL) for that form. You need to “insert” that hosted form into your WordPress page/post, and you are all set. All FormBuilder features are also supported: Ink Signatures, file uploads, geolocation, etc.

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Adding HIPAA Compliance to your Web Forms in 10 minutes

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

Forms are pervasive on websites; the number of forms associated with medical websites is growing exponentially as everyone is scrambling toward digital transformation. The goal of a paperless office seeks to optimize time spent processing applications and managing patient data, speeding up the process of making appointments and getting referrals, meeting meaningful use, etc.

Web forms used in the medical industry generally have to be HIPAA-compliant, however, as they almost always involve the input and transfer of ePHI in one way or another. That presents a problem as the requirements for a HIPAA-compliant website are complex and take knowledgeable and experienced developers to implement and take extra time and money to get right — and you have to get things right where HIPAA is concerned.

So, this is where most people are:

  1. They have a website, which itself is likely not HIPAA-compliant yet
  2. They have some web forms already or maybe have some forms that they want to put up
  3. These forms will collect ePHI
  4. They need to set this up and have it be HIPAA-compliant and don’t want to spend a lot of money or time getting it going.

What they need is “HIPAA Form Processing.”

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Web Form Signatures: Fast, Easy Method of Informed Consent

Friday, August 23rd, 2013

A dentist looking for a consult on x-rays needs explicit consent from the patient to transfer the x-rays and related information [securely] to the other doctor, at least in many states.

There are many similar cases where “written” consent is needed to transfer private information, transfer responsibility, request actions, etc. Simply sending information over email or through a web form does not include a mechanism for transferring consent — e.g., written authorization signatures.

Fortunately, there is a simple, cost-effective, and secure solution — use of web-based forms, which include written signature field(s).

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