November 3rd, 2023

LuxSci Receives Majority Investment from Main Capital Partners

Main Capital Partners announces a majority investment in Lux Scientiae, Incorporated (‘LuxSci’), a leading provider of healthcare-focused secure communications and secure hosting solutions. The investment reflects Main’s commitment to the healthcare market and desire to build robust, international software groups. Founded in 1999, LuxSci is a leading American provider of HIPAA-compliant secure communications and secure […]

October 31st, 2023

Overcoming Barriers to Successful Digital Health Patient Engagement

Effective patient engagement is a goal for many healthcare organizations because of the benefits. When patients are engaged in their healthcare, illnesses are diagnosed sooner, bills are paid faster, and patient satisfaction is increased, leading to better business outcomes for the healthcare organization. Advances in technology have made it easier to achieve successful digital health […]

October 24th, 2023

What is a Secure Email Gateway?

As threats to email security are increasing, organizations are looking for ways to enhance their security and reduce risk. One option is a secure email gateway. In this article, we review what secure email gateways are and how they can be used to secure sensitive data as it flows into and out of your accounts. […]

October 17th, 2023

AI Threats to Email Security

Artificial intelligence is a buzzy topic in the tech industry right now. Many experts are looking to AI to help solve some of the complex challenges of our times. However, besides this technology’s helpful and practical applications, there are some concerns that AI can be used for malicious purposes. In this article, we review some […]

October 10th, 2023

How Online Tracking Technologies & Data Collection Threaten Patient Privacy

Many healthcare marketers use online tracking technologies to gather user information as they interact with a website or mobile application. After several breaches tied to improper uses of third-party tracking pixels, the Department of Health and Human Services has clarified that data collected via online tracking technologies are often PHI and must be secured according […]