LuxSci's Complete HIPAA eBook Series

eBook 1:HIPAA-compliant Email Basics

  1. Overview of HIPAA
  2. What is ePHI?
  3. Provisions of the HIPAA Email Security Rule
  4. Additional Risk Analysis and the Need for Encryption
  5. Gmail and Google Apps?

eBook 2: HIPAA-compliant Website Basics

  1. What are HIPAA-compliant Web Sites?
  2. HIPAA-compliance for Wordpress
  3. What is HIPAA-compliant Web Site Hosting?
  4. Components of a Solid Web Site Hosting Infrastructure
  5. Finding a HIPAA-compliant Provider
  6. What are HIPAA-compliant Web Forms?
  7. Informing Developers of HIPAA Requirements

eBook 3: HIPAA-compliant Bulk Emailing Basics

  1. List Maintenance Best Practices
  2. Large-scale Sending Strategies
  3. IP Reputation Challenges
  4. SPF and DKIM Considerations
  5. HIPAA-compliance Specifics

Download all three free eBooks today!

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