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LuxSci's Recommended eBooks

HIPAA-compliant Email Basics

HIPAA-compliant Email Marketing

HIPAA-compliant Forms

HIPAA-compliant High Volume Email Sending

HIPAA-compliant Website Basics

Securing WordPress

Securing Google Workspace

Securing Microsoft 365

Dedicated Servers

Domains, DNS, and Registration

Email Basics

Email Security & Encryption

Email Identity & Forged Email

Infographic: Avoiding Forged Email

Email Marketing

eBook: HIPAA-compliant Email Marketing

Forms: Web & PDF

eBook 5:
HIPAA-compliant Forms



Securing WordPress


Infographic: SSL vs TLS

What to Expect at LuxSci

LuxSci is the ultimate in email, not only in terms of products but also in service. From a business perspective LuxSci provides unparalleled account administration and control over spam and viruses. You won't even know all the things that are possible with email until you check out LuxSci's multitude of special email services and products. They can also integrate web hosting with your email account."

William Hopwood . Florida Atlantic University