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In this video, we're going to describe how to use some of the basic web mail tools that many email users use, such as email forwarding, managing email folder, auto responders, filters, etc. Go up here to the email menu. Let's start with email forwarding. Very common action. On this page, you can specify how you want your inbound email handled. By default, email forwarding is off, disabled. You could choose to have all of your email forwarded to another email address. Enter the email address in here, turn it on, and hit save changes. These changes take about one to two minutes to take effect. Once they do, copies of all of your messages are being forwarded to If you would like to forward a copy and have a copy still delivered through to your inbox, enable forward and keep a copy here.

Your other options are block inbound email. Use this only if you never want to receive any inbound email again. You can put a message here like, "Go away." Once this takes effect, then every message that comes through will be bounced back with the message, "Go away," and you will not get any new email messages. Similarly, you could choose merely to delete all inbound email without a bounce message and without anything following through. One related item which is very useful is the backup folder. If you enable this, then copies of all of your recent email will be saved in a separate folder called backup. By default, it saves the latest 100 messages. This is great because if you accidentally delete something, which we all have, you can always jump into the backup folder and get the copy of it, and save yourself the hassle of having to talk to the sender.

I'm gonna turn these settings off now, but I'm gonna leave the backup folder setting on. Now we're gonna jump to email folders. Managing your email folders. You can do that through this command here, in the settings menu, or by jumping up here to this menu. They're the same thing. Go into email folders. It's a list of all of your folders. You can add the settings of any folder and you can delete many of the folders. You can't delete system folder like inbox, though. If you want to see how many messages are in a folder or how much disk space they're using up, you could choose one of these commands and hit go. There you go. These folders just have a few messages each in them.

If you want to edit a folder, its properties, you can click on the folder name or click on the edit icon, and you'll get a little pop-up. In this pop-up, you have a lot of different options. You could configure sharing of the folder with other people on your account, so that they can have read only or read write access. You can copy or move messages in bulk to other folders. You can remove duplicate messages from this folder. You can auto delete messages. This is common if you're the type of person who gets tons and tons of email, and you just want all old messages, like say older than 30 days, to just automatically go away. So you don't have to take the time to manage the folder yourself.

While LuxSci has lots and lots of features to make things speedy, if you've got 100,000 messages in there, it's definitely gonna be slower than if you have 10. You can export your messages for offline usage. You can import messages from other locations. You can repair folders and you can configure web mail acceleration, which is one of our features for making things speedy. All right. Next we're gonna look at ... Well, obviously you can make new folders here, as well. Create new folders. Create folders that are sub-folders of other folders, etc. You can really have as many folders as you want and you can have any level of nesting that you want. It's no problem.

Next, let's go to auto responders, which you can get at, once again, through here or through here. Auto responders are also known as away messages, vacation messages, etc. You can create an auto responder. Give it a title for use. On vacation. Turn it on. Duplicate interval between responses. If someone's sending you a lot of email, you don't want to send them a whole lot of responses back because it's redundant, so you can set the interval by which people won't get redundant responses. Now, you can configure this response. You can say whatever you want. "I'm away in Aruba." I wish. You can select a web mail signature to use. You can say whatever text that you want to have here. "See you on Monday." Spell it right. Then choose what messages you want to respond to. Generally, people like auto responders to respond to every message that comes in.

If you're the kind of person who wears lots of hats in your organization, you may be getting email from sales. You may be getting personal email. You may be getting lots of things going to your same inbox. In these cases, you can have auto responder messages that only respond to messages addressed to you, for example. So you could have a different response for messages to you and choose not to respond to general addresses, like sales or info. Or you could have different responses for different people. If you really want to get technical, you can actually have your auto responder turn itself on at a certain date and time and turn itself off at a certain date and time. So you don't have to go in and remember to do it later. And so you can go and pre-plan everything. Set everything up before you leave, so you don't have to be sitting in the airport turning your auto responder on. This one's now active and it's going to be enabled on all of our servers within one to two minutes.

Custom filters allow you to customize what happens to email that comes into your account. You have a few ones that are available automatically, such as the filter that saves copies of messages to your backup folder, which we discussed. Your basic spam filter. Your email forwarding. Your email auto responders, etc. And the order by which these filters are listed is the order by which they apply. I this example with spam filtering on, messages that get caught as spam or viruses may be deleted or saved in a special folder. They wouldn't make it on to the next step of email forwarding. So if I was forwarding my messages, I wouldn't be forwarding spam. So you need to pay attention to the order of the filters when you're trying to decide what filters to put where.

Let's say that you want to create a new filter. Hit new. Give it a name. Turn it on. Filter final if used. Filters are final if, when they match a message. Then they do their action, and that's it for the message. Like if you're going to delete a message, you usually don't want to do anything else. Filters that are not final are filters where the message continues on after the filter's action. Something that's not final might be if you want to forward a message someplace and then have it continue on to other filters and to your inbox.

You have to choose what conditions you want to have. It can be applied to every message, messages from specific people. There's a lot of options here. You can choose multiple filters. For example, you could choose filters with the subject money or that have the word money in the subject. Then you could also make it for the size is greater than 100 kilobytes, or 1000 kilobytes or a megabyte. When you choose multiple options here, then they all have to be true in order for the filter to match. If you choose exclude instead of match, that means doesn't have it. So this would be messages where the subject contains money and where the size is less than 1000 kilobytes. Okay.

Once you've chosen your requirements, then you say what happens when something matches. And once again, you have a lot of options. You can save the messages to a specific folder, have them deleted, forwarded, add custom headers, block the messages with a custom bounce message. You could have messages from someone you dislike bounce back and making it look like you don't really have a valid email address there. You can be very fine grained by combining your custom filters with forwarding, blocking, and auto responses. You can scream with attachments and you can even save messages to your applications, your web aids. For example, you could save an inbound message to your calendar and have the calendar entries be automatically added to your calendar.

All right. So when you're all done ... Okay, I didn't actually want to choose that one. Let's just save that to the trash folder. Okay. Create the filter. So here we are. Here's our new filter and it's on. It will be live within a minute or two. If I have lots of filters, I might like to organize them. So you can color code them here, so you can see what's what. You can also rearrange the filters. Select a filter. Select the position you'd like it to take and hit move to. And now the filter will apply first. Once again, it's important to choose the order of operations here.

Next, if you have our basic spam filtering system, as opposed to the premium filters, you can configure your spam filtering right here in this tool. Right now, spam filter's on, which is good. It's choosing to save spam, whether it's definitely spam or possibly spam, to a separate folder called spam, which you can access through web mail or through IMAP. And it's deleting viruses. It's gonna send you a report once a day of messages that are new in the spam and viruses folder. You can turn that off if you don't like it. You can specify the range of the spam scores for what determines whether messages are valid or spam or absolutely unwanted. The defaults are five and 15. And you can change these to tweak the level of sensitivity of the system.

You can update your allow and deny lists, so you can allow list certain addresses, so that their messages will never be considered spam. You can even allow list everybody in your address book. And you can deny people. If you're getting messages from people you never want to get them again, you can block them. Of course, if you're trying to block list just random spammer's addresses, it's not that useful since most spammers just change up their addresses over and over again, so you end up blocking thousands of addresses and not really dealing with the ultimate problem.

You can read the help document for this and the other tools, like custom filters and auto responders, for a great deal of information about the particulars of the different options. Much more detail than I'm going into here. Once you've made your settings changes, hit save changes, and you're done. This will take place in the next one to two minutes, again. You can come back here anytime you want and go into these settings and check what they are, and modify them as you need them. Then you can go back into your email and continue managing your day.

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