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Posts Tagged ‘secureform’

Adding HIPAA Compliance to your Web Forms in 10 minutes

Tuesday, April 21st, 2015

Forms are pervasive on websites; the number of forms associated with medical websites is growing exponentially as everyone is scrambling toward digital transformation. The goal of a paperless office seeks to optimize time spent processing applications and managing patient data, speeding up the process of making appointments and getting referrals, meeting meaningful use, etc.

Web forms used in the medical industry generally have to be HIPAA-compliant, however, as they almost always involve the input and transfer of ePHI in one way or another. That presents a problem as the requirements for a HIPAA-compliant website are complex and take knowledgeable and experienced developers to implement and take extra time and money to get right — and you have to get things right where HIPAA is concerned.

So, this is where most people are:

  1. They have a website, which itself is likely not HIPAA-compliant yet
  2. They have some web forms already or maybe have some forms that they want to put up
  3. These forms will collect ePHI
  4. They need to set this up and have it be HIPAA-compliant and don’t want to spend a lot of money or time getting it going.

What they need is “HIPAA Form Processing.”

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Wish your Website Form submissions could turn into PDFs?

Thursday, April 2nd, 2015

Would you like this workflow?

  1. People fill out forms on your website
  2. They press “Submit”
  3. You get that submissions as PDFs that looks just like you need them to

It is simple; we find many organizations are looking for this because either:

  • Their people are used to processing documents that look a specific way — and if their website submissions could look like the forms people are used to … then processing accuracy is improved and change is minimized
  • PDFs are a standard way of saving and archiving documents
  • Maybe you also want to collect a signature on your web form and have the PDF signed

Most web form processing solutions cannot produce flattened, custom PDFs from your web form submissions; almost none can also do it securely, in a HIPAA-compliant manner.

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6 ways to improve your website forms

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015

Website forms are ubiquitous. Every site needs them to engage visitors, collect information, makes sales, etc. They are easy to add to your site but not necessarily easy to do right.

There are plenty of free or cheap tools for creating web forms, but these tools may cause serious issues:

  • Incomplete Forms: Users submitting incomplete forms (e.g., not filling out all of the essential fields)
  • Invalid Inputs: Users not entering the “right” information (e.g., not putting an email address in the email address field)
  • Form Spam Bots: Automated programs may fill out and submit your forms, sending you junk in the form of gibberish or website URLs they hope you will visit and buy stuff from.
  • Form Insecurity: If your form collects sensitive information, from passwords to medical data, it could easily be set up incorrectly and enable phishing attacks or data leakage.
  • Stale Forms: You updated your form, but someone just somehow submitted the old version, which is not even on the internet anymore!
  • Connectivity/Server Issues: You don’t want your users to give up because their network is down or your site is down for a few seconds.

All of these problems impact the success of your site — causing everything from annoyance to the inability to contact your sales leads to breaches of privacy. Fortunately, it is not hard to plug these gaps and have a solid, productive, and secure web form.

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Web Form Spam – Block Spam without a Captcha Code

Tuesday, February 4th, 2014

Many contact us forms and comment forms are plagued by “web form spam.” Automated programs crawl the internet looking for web forms. When found, they start submitting spam advertisements through the forms hoping that some of the recipients of these form submissions will see the ads and act on them. Almost nobody does, but the spam still comes and gets worse and worse over time.

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Case Study: LuxSci SecureForm and Ink Signatures Eliminate Downloading, Printing, Signing, and Faxing of Contracts

Friday, January 31st, 2014

For legal reasons, LuxSci’s HIPAA customers must physically sign a “Business Associate Agreement” and return it to us. While this is a simple and commonplace request, it creates a lot of busy work for the customer and LuxSci!

The customer might have to

  1. Download the file
  2. Print out the 19 pages
  3. Sign the agreement
  4. Fax back all pages, or scan them and return them electronically

Then, LuxSci might have to

  1. Locate the document
  2. Sort out faxes that are in the wrong order, upside down, blank, or missing pages
  3. Figure out who sent the document
  4. Verify that pages are not missing or changed
  5. Counter-sign the document and attach them to the customer account
  6. Contact customers who have not sent in their documents correctly or at all, which is crucial to the HIPAA certification process

Multiplied by many customers, this creates a lot of unproductive busy work for everyone, which costs money this time.

To simplify this process, LuxSci uses its own Secure Form and Ink Signatures technologies to submit signed contracts in a snap for customers and eliminate most of the busy work LuxSci itself has to do to manage the process.

In this post, we describe how both technologies work.

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