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Posts Tagged ‘web site’

What Makes A Website HIPAA Secure?

Saturday, March 8th, 2025

In this article, we review the requirements for what makes a website HIPAA secure and what you need to do to ensure your website is compliant. The recent focus on tracking pixels and analytics codes by enforcement agencies has many healthcare organizations reassessing their website security and compliance. As technology has evolved over the past thirty years, HIPAA rules have adapted to secure sensitive data. healthcare website on laptop screen

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Should your web site database have its own dedicated server?

Tuesday, August 24th, 2021

Should you have separate dedicate servers or clusters for your web site and database? It comes down to your security and reliability needs. What are the pros and cons of each scenario? Is it worth the expense? We shall delve into these business-critical questions in this article.

 dedicated web site database

Let’s look at the security and reliability impact of the various common configuration choices.

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LuxSci’s Latest Offerings: High Availability Load Balancers & MySQL

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

Our new high availability solutions are the latest offerings in LuxSci’s constant mission to better serve our customers. We can now deliver regional high availability load balancers and MySQL, which ensure that our clients’ websites face as little downtime as possible.

Before we discuss the specifics of these LuxSci services, let’s back up a little and explain what high availability is, and why it is important for your organization.

high availability load balancers

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HIPAA-Compliant Web Sites: Requirements and Best Practices

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021

It is not easy to create a HIPAA-compliant web site and webmasters often ask us for clarification on best practices when it comes to HIPAA compliance.

We have previously discussed what makes a web page secure and also what makes a web site HIPAA-compliant, but it seems that an explainer on what you should and should not do with web sites in shared and dedicated environments would be useful to many.

hipaa compliant web site

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If my web site is very simple, do I have to worry about HIPAA compliance?

Friday, March 24th, 2017

We received this questions via Ask Erik from a Physicians’ Association:

“Our company website does not contain any patient information. As a healthcare group, do we need to worry about HIPAA compliance for our site? It contains forms, news and some company polices and procedures but no patient information whatsoever. Thank you.”

Thank you for your question! Here, we delve into how you can answer this for your site.


When does a web site need HIPAA compliance

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